Procedure No. 509.1

Description: Official Advisor, College Recruitment/Marketing Publications

Adopted: 04/23/96
Revisions Approved:

The following applies to publications duplicated either within the College or by an outside printer:

All requisitions for outside printing and materials and services needed to facilitate in-house printing of publications will originate in or be cleared through the Office of Communications and College Relations.

After a project receives approval for in-house publication from the appropriate Dean, departments and College units sponsoring the project should give one person responsibility for working with the Office of Communications and College Relations. This person should contact the Office of Communications and College Relations as early as possible for consultation and recommendations on purpose, audience, content, style, cost, etc. of the publications. This should be done before the text is written. The Office of Communications and College Relations will design a physical format for the publication, set specifications and obtain quotations or bids (depending on the project's cost) if the publication is to be produced by an outside printer. A preliminary timetable for production of the publication will be established.

All copy and illustrations for a publication should be submitted to the Office of Communications and College Relations for evaluation and editing according to the timetable established above. If necessary, the copy will be returned to the originating unit for specified revisions. Copy for publications should be submitted on disk in Word Perfect or DOS format.

The Office of Communications and College Relations will assist the originating unit in obtaining illustrations for publications when cost, purpose and format allow their effective use.

For publications of four (4) pages or less, the final revised copy should be submitted to the Office of Communications and College Relations for final editing and layout at least 10 working days before it is due at the printer. Allow up to four (4) weeks (depending on the size and complexity of the job) for typesetting, corrections, reading final proofs, printing, drying, folding, binding and delivery to the College's Receiving Department.

For publications of more than four (4) pages, final revised copy should be submitted to the Office of Communications and College Relations at least three (3) weeks before it is due at the printer. Allow three (3) to six (6) weeks for completion of the publication.

Responsibility for distributing the publication lies with the department for which it has been produced according to procedures it develops with the Office of Communications and College Relations. The originating unit is responsible for keeping records of the publication's distribution and notifying the Office of Communications and College Relations when the inventory is down to 25% of the amount ordered. Additional copies will then be ordered.

Printing of items other than publications (i.e. internal forms, business cards) is routed through the College's Purchasing Department.


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