Adopted: 04/23/96
Revisions Approved: 1/26/10; 9/24/24
Reaffirmed: 2/25/20
Degree programs offered at Atlantic Cape Community College shall be responsive to the needs of the community's citizens, businesses, and industries. They shall be established upon the basis of research and studies indicating that needs exist and shall be modified or discontinued as those needs change.
Programs shall be established, modified, or discontinued upon recommendation of the President and subsequent approval by the Board of Trustees.
Within the College, the faculty, through its Curriculum Committee, will have a major role and a professional responsibility in formulating recommendations on matters of curricula, upon which the academic administration will advise the President. To ensure continuous improvement of existing programs and inform recommendations for modification, faculty shall conduct such activities by engaging with industry experts through Program Advisory Boards, conducting academic program reviews as per Academic guidelines or requirements of external accrediting bodies, and engaging in activities to assess student learning.
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